jharia coal problem

  • (PDF) Environmental issues of coal mining - A case study ...

    2022-2-6 · Coal fires are common and serious problem in most of the coal producing countries of the world. In India, Jharia Coalfield (JCF) has one of the

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  • Environmental issues of coal mining - A case study of ...

    Jharia coal-field holds unequivocal importance in the Indian context as it is the only source of prime ... air pollution due to coal fires is also a severe problem. The major pollutants are oxides ...

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  • For burning problem in Jharia’s coalfields, a difficult ...

    2017-6-2 · When the coal mines were nationalised in 1971, at least 70 mining areas within Jharia were on fire. The problem later spread to seven more mining zones. The number of affected areas has reduced to about 67, as around 10 fires have been extinguished using different methods.

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  • Environmental Consequences of a Burning Coal Mine : A

    2019-7-1 · activities. Coal fires are an ever-present problem in coal-mines, the world over. In the Jharia coalfield (JCF), it is a well-known fact that subsurface fires, are burning the energy resources, impacting the environment negatively and and rendering mining of coal hazardous. Taking a note of this grave condition,

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    2017-12-6 · Jharia Coal Mine Fire and its Impact 7441 Using secondary sources of data, this paper is an attempt to discuss the problems relating to migration and displacement, health hazards, damage to the infrastructure and the loss of livelihood of the locals because of the adverse effect of the fire.

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  • Detection and delineation of coal mine fire in Jharia coal ...

    2019-4-9 · Coal mine fire is a serious problem in Jharia coal field, India. The coal mine fire can be detected with different techniques such as borehole temperature measurement, thermo-compositional analysis, remote sensing techniques, thermo-graphic measurement and geophysical methods. In this study, various

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  • Impact of Coal Mining on Environment

    2017-11-4 · Impact of Coal Mining on Environment: A Study of Raniganj and Jharia Coal Field in India Sribas Goswami1 Abstract Coal mining adversely affects the eco-system as a whole. On the unstable earth; the unresting mankind constantly uses a variety of resources for their daily lives. Coal is recognized to

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  • Jharia, The Largest Coalfield Of India Is Burning For Over ...

    Jharia, The Largest Coalfield Of India Is Burning For Over 100 Years. Written by Monalisa Bose Roy in Facts, Jharkhand. The largest Coalfield of India, Jharia located in the state of Jharkhand has deposits of 19.4 billion tonnes of coking coal. It is India’s most important storehouse of prime coking coal having 23 large underground and 9 ...

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  • Environmental and socio-economic impacts of coal mining ...

    2022-1-21 · The problem of water pollution is not exclusive to the Jharia coal area; it affects the entire mining region. Similarly, heavy metal analysis of mine water from the Neyevli lignite mines in Tamil Nadu. Figure 3 Water effuluent dischage from coal prepration plant. 2.3 Impact on surface topography

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  • Metallurgical Use of Heat Altered Coal: A Case Study

    2013-12-24 · coalfields of Jharia, which is a part of Lower Gondwana coalfields. Here these coals are known as jhama. In the Indian coal scenario Jharia coalfield occupies a special status as this is the only storehouse of prime coking coal and has been meeting the coking coal needs of the country for over a century.

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  • India's Jharia Coalfield, a 100 Years of Simmering Greed ...

    2018-7-4 · The problem is over a hundred years old. Illegal mining, corruption in public life, and world treaty on global warming for minimising thermal energy (produced by burning coal) to check carbon emissions in the environment have

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  • Underground Coal Fires in Jharia: Various Issues - GKToday

    2017-6-3 · Jharia coalfields span over 160 square kilometres and now these pose a risk to nearly 10,000 families living on the surface of coal fields. The region over a span of more than 100 years got converted into a deadly zone of lethal gases, marked with frequent land subsidence activities, and several accidents.

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  • Burning for over 100 years, Jharkhand’s underground fire ...

    2017-6-8 · Jharia coal field has been burning underground for over a hundred years, as residents living across 250 sqkm sit on a ticking time bomb. Coal

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  • Detection and delineation of coal mine fire in Jharia coal ...

    2018-9-29 · Coal mine fire is a serious problem in Jharia coal field, India. The coal mine fire can be detected with different techniques such as borehole temperature measurement, thermo-compositional analysis, remote sensing techniques, thermo-graphic measurement and geophysical methods. In this study, various geophysical methods were used to detect the

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  • The Jharia coal field fire - The Energy and Resources ...

    2010-3-30 · The Jharia coal field fire . The Jharia coalfield in Bihar is an exclusive storehouse of prime coke coal in the country, consisting of 23 large underground and nine large open cast mines. The mining activities in these coalfields started in 1894 and had really intensified in 1925.

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  • Impact of Coal Mining on Environment

    2017-11-4 · Impact of Coal Mining on Environment: A Study of Raniganj and Jharia Coal Field in India Sribas Goswami1 Abstract Coal mining adversely affects the eco-system as a whole. On the unstable earth; the unresting mankind constantly uses a variety of resources for their daily lives. Coal is recognized to

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  • Environmental and socio-economic impacts of coal mining ...

    2022-1-21 · The problem of water pollution is not exclusive to the Jharia coal area; it affects the entire mining region. Similarly, heavy metal analysis of mine water from the Neyevli lignite mines in Tamil Nadu. Figure 3 Water effuluent dischage from coal prepration plant. 2.3 Impact on surface topography

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  • Work Related Stress among Coal Mine workers: A study

    2018-12-15 · A. The Dhanbad-Jharia coal-mining area Dhanbad is a city in the state of Jharkhand, and is also known as the 'Coal Capital of India' .The Dhanbad-Jharia area forms part of a mineral rich corridor, most of India’s reserves in coal, copper, iron ore and uranium are located in the Durgapur-Dhanbad-Bokaro-Jamshedpur triangle.

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  • Metallurgical Use of Heat Altered Coal: A Case Study

    2013-12-24 · coalfields of Jharia, which is a part of Lower Gondwana coalfields. Here these coals are known as jhama. In the Indian coal scenario Jharia coalfield occupies a special status as this is the only storehouse of prime coking coal and has been meeting the coking coal needs of the country for over a century.

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  • Resettlement and Rehabilitation: reasons, issues and ...

    2011-4-2 · Jharia coal fields posed a problem years ago to the local residents due to the underground fire. Some 3 lakh people were to be shifted and it became a problem to find n alternative site. A huge amount of money to the tune of Rs 115 crores has been spent to put out the fire. Still the problem persists. Displacement in Japan due to nuclear crisis

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  • India's Jharia Coalfield, a 100 Years of Simmering Greed ...

    2018-7-4 · The problem is over a hundred years old. Illegal mining, corruption in public life, and world treaty on global warming for minimising thermal energy (produced by burning coal) to check carbon emissions in the environment have

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  • Underground Coal Fires in Jharia: Various Issues - GKToday

    2017-6-3 · Jharia coalfields span over 160 square kilometres and now these pose a risk to nearly 10,000 families living on the surface of coal fields. The region over a span of more than 100 years got converted into a deadly zone of lethal gases, marked with frequent land subsidence activities, and several accidents.

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  • Detection and delineation of coal mine fire in Jharia coal ...

    2018-9-29 · Coal mine fire is a serious problem in Jharia coal field, India. The coal mine fire can be detected with different techniques such as borehole temperature measurement, thermo-compositional analysis, remote sensing techniques, thermo-graphic measurement and geophysical methods. In this study, various geophysical methods were used to detect the

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  • The Jharia coal field fire - The Energy and Resources ...

    2010-3-30 · The Jharia coal field fire . The Jharia coalfield in Bihar is an exclusive storehouse of prime coke coal in the country, consisting of 23 large underground and nine large open cast mines. The mining activities in these coalfields started in 1894 and had really intensified in 1925.

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  • Jharia master plan: Areas under fire have reduced ...

    2021-10-27 · Areas under fire in Jharia coal mines has reduced drastically from the initial 17.32 sq km to 1.8 sq km in 2021, Pralhad Joshi was told at a review meeting for the Jharia Master Plan. There are 595 sites wherein BCCL, a subsidiary of Coal India Ltd (CIL), is responsible for taking actions to shift its staff from BCCL houses.

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  • Impact of Coal Mining on Environment

    2017-11-4 · Impact of Coal Mining on Environment: A Study of Raniganj and Jharia Coal Field in India Sribas Goswami1 Abstract Coal mining adversely affects the eco-system as a whole. On the unstable earth; the unresting mankind constantly uses a variety of resources for their daily lives. Coal is recognized to

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  • Work Related Stress among Coal Mine workers: A study

    2018-12-15 · A. The Dhanbad-Jharia coal-mining area Dhanbad is a city in the state of Jharkhand, and is also known as the 'Coal Capital of India' .The Dhanbad-Jharia area forms part of a mineral rich corridor, most of India’s reserves in coal, copper, iron ore and uranium are located in the Durgapur-Dhanbad-Bokaro-Jamshedpur triangle.

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  • Environmental Problems Analysis of Coal Mining in

    2008-10-6 · results. In India, major coal fields are located in state of west Bengal, Bihar and Orrisa. Raniganj, Jharia and Giridih as are having major coal mines. There are more than 800 coal mines in India. India occupies 3rd position in the world in the field of coal production. Raniganj coal belt is an important coalfield located in Damodar river valley.

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  • Metallurgical Use of Heat Altered Coal: A Case Study

    2013-12-24 · coalfields of Jharia, which is a part of Lower Gondwana coalfields. Here these coals are known as jhama. In the Indian coal scenario Jharia coalfield occupies a special status as this is the only storehouse of prime coking coal and has been meeting the coking coal needs of the country for over a century.

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  • Resettlement and Rehabilitation: reasons, issues and ...

    2011-4-2 · Jharia coal fields posed a problem years ago to the local residents due to the underground fire. Some 3 lakh people were to be shifted and it became a problem to find n alternative site. A huge amount of money to the tune of Rs 115 crores has been spent to put out the fire. Still the problem persists. Displacement in Japan due to nuclear crisis

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